The Davidson Film Club is a non-profit tax-exempt independent association formed for those who enjoy film as art to view and discuss unique and thoughtful cinematic works in the town of Davidson.
The club’s films are critically acclaimed award-winners from around the world. Many are from under-represented areas in Africa, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Central and South America, and Asia. We pay public performance rights for all our screenings.
Our films are screened at the Armour Street Theatre in Davidson, home of the Davidson Community Players.
Armour Street Theatre
307 Armour Street
Davidson, NC 28036
The theater features 84 comfortable movie theater-style seats, with room for several dozen folding chairs when needed. The main seating is tiered, so everyone has a clear view of the screen. Our projection system is cinema-quality HD video and a professional stereo sound system. On-site parking is free.
On screening nights, doors open at 6:30 p.m. A brief introduction begins at 7:00 p.m. Film run-times are generally 90 to 120 minutes. All non-English language films are subtitled. A discussion period of 30 to 45 minutes, led by a knowledgeable discussion leader, follows each film.
All subscribers to our series become members of the Davidson Film Club for a given series. Memberships are available at the beginning of each new series and cost $42 ($7/film) for a series of six films or $35 for a five-film series. To become a member at the beginning of a series, please click on the correct “Buy Now” button on our Home Page to pay with your credit card on-line, or send us a check payable to “Davidson Film Club” at:
Davidson Film Club
P.O. Box 32
Davidson, NC 28036
New members, if you write a check, please print your email address at the bottom so we can add you to the film club e-mail list, if you are not already on it.
Members have free entrance into any Davidson Film Club event that is added to the schedule of films, like our Local Filmmakers Showcases.
Single-show walk-in seats are usually available to reserve in advance and pay at the door for $9 each, cash or check (no credit cards). Please email to check availability and reserve a seat.
Member seats are transferable. Members are encouraged to contact us in advance at if they cannot attend a screening and wish to give their seat(s) to someone else–or just to let us know that their seat will be available for a walk-in.
Email List
If you wish to receive monthly reminders of up-coming screenings with specific information about the film to be shown, join our e-mail list by clicking on that item on the toolbar above right. We do not share our e-mail list.
Participation in the Film Club
We welcome volunteers to sit on the DFC Board when spots become available. Board members participate in the film selections and may lead discussions or help out at the box office or the refreshments table.
Discussion Leaders Welcome!
If you have a particular interest or expertise in one of our films’ topics and would like to lead a post-screening discussion, please let us know. We would love to have you do so!
Water, red and white wine, and snacks are made available by the Film Club.